According to the combined data of the traffic safety statistics of 2013-2015 from DDOT and the crash data from Open Data DC, there were 707.4 bike crashes per year in average between 2012-2016, where 46.8 bicyclists were fatal or major
[Journal] Applied Soft Computing
Applied Soft Computing is an international journal promoting an integrated view of soft computing to solve real life problems. Soft computing is a collection of methodologies, which aim to exploit tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth to achieve tractability,
[Journal] Journal of Transport Geography
The Journal of Transport Geography is a leading interdisciplinary journal focusing on the geographical dimensions of transport, travel and mobility. It is international in its outlook, and welcomes both conceptual papers and theoretically-informed, empirically-oriented contributions on the movement of people,
[Case Study] Bike Sharing: Data Analytics: Washington DC
Bikesharing has gradually become an adopted form of mobility in urban area recent years as one sustainable transportation mode to bring us many social, environmental, economic, and health-related benefits and rewards. There is increased research toward better understanding of bikesharing
Work on bike sharing data analysis and implications for data-driven decision supports appears on Journal of Transport Geography
[Case Study] Smart IoT | Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Urban Traffic Control | Pittsburgh, PA
The smart and scalable urban traffic control system can be seen as an Internet of smart intersections (things), where each intersection is an intelligent entity equipped with an artificial intelligence (AI) brain called schedule-driven intersection control (SchIC) to optimize traffic