Data Description The DC Taxicab trip data contains the taxi trips for either pick up or drop off locations within District of Columbia (DC), which can be downloaded from Open Data DC. The data is provided by the Department of
WIOMAX participates in the GCTC – Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Challenge
Research and Studies on Smart Mobility and Road Safety
Here are some recent case studies that WIOMAX researchers and engineers have done on smart transportation and road safety studies.
Work on combined traffic control and route choice optimization appears on Transportmetrica B
Our work on combined traffic control and route choice optimization for traffic networks with disruptive changes appears on Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics.
Work on bike sharing data analysis and implications for data-driven decision supports appears on Journal of Transport Geography
Work on a smart IoT prototype for road safety appears on Transportation Research Part C
WIOMAX Joins the National Road to Zero Coalition
Presented our Work on Traffic Crash Data Analysis at TRB Annual Meeting
Presented our Work on smart IoT prototype for transportation at TRB Annual Meeting
Presented our work on data-driven smart mobility at the Workshop on Smart Cities & Connected Communities

Our Co-Founder, Dr. Xie, presented our work on Smart Mobility for Sustainable Urban Communities at the Workshop on Smart Cities & Connected Communities. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), this workshop aims to bring together leaders in community and economic development, government,