The Polymath8 participants was featured on the June/July cover of Notices of the American Mathematical Society, the world’s most widely read mathematical journal. The photographs on the cover portray thirteen of the fifteen people, including a team of top mathematicians and Dr. Xie, as
Polymath8: Bounded Gaps between Primes
The Polymath8 project, led by Prof. Terence Tao and in collaboration with a team of top mathematicians, was launched to optimize the records of the bounded gaps between primes based on the breakthrough work of “Bounded gaps between primes” by Dr. Yitang
Work with the Polymath project was published on Algebra & Number Theory
The work with the Polymath project was published on Algebra & Number Theory. D. H. J. Polymath. New equidistribution estimates of Zhang type. Algebra & Number Theory, 2014, 8(9): 2067-2199. [DOI] Polymath8a authors: Wouter Castryck, Etienne Fouvry, Gergely Harcos, Emmanuel Kowalski,
Work with the Polymath project was published on Research in the Mathematical Sciences
The work with the Polymath project was published on Research in the Mathematical Sciences. D. H. J. Polymath. Variants of the Selberg sieve, and bounded intervals containing many primes.Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 2014, 1(12): 1-83. [DOI] Here is the list
Work with the Polymath project was reported by Der Spiegel
This work with the Polymath8 project was to find narrow gaps between primes. … Mal steuerte Xiao-Feng Xie einen Vorschlag bei, ein Robotikexperte aus Pittsburgh. Mal meldete sich Terence Tao aus Los Angeles, den einige für den brillantesten aller lebenden Mathematiker halten.