Social Cognitive Optimization (SCO): Project Portal

Social Cognitive Optimization (SCO): Project Portal

Social Cognitive Optimization (SCO) is an optimization algorithm for solving the (constrained) numerical optimization problem. SCO is a simple agent-based model based on the observational learning mechanism in human social cognition. Related Information: Please find other related code and software

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Software

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Software

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based stochastic optimization technique inspired by swarm intelligence. The underlying motivation for the development of PSO algorithm was social behavior of animals such as bird flocking, fish schooling, and swarm theory. The fundamental to the

Polymath8: Bounded Gaps between Primes

Polymath8: Bounded Gaps between Primes

The Polymath8 project, led by Prof. Terence Tao and in collaboration with a team of top mathematicians, was launched to optimize the records of the bounded gaps between primes based on the breakthrough work of “Bounded gaps between primes” by Dr. Yitang

Cooperative Group Optimization System

The cooperative group optimization (CGO) system consists of a group of intelligent agents cooperating with their peers in a sharing environment for realizing a common intention of finding high-quality solution(s) based on the landscape representation of an optimization task. Numerical Optimization CGO has also

DEPSO Algorithm: Project Portal

DEPSO Algorithm: Project Portal

DEPSO, or called DEPS, is an algorithm for (constrained) numerical optimization problem (NOP), which hybridizes the advantages of both Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution (DE). Related Information: Please find other related code and software in our Code Library.

Solver for Nonlinear Programming

Solver for Nonlinear Programming

By default Calc in Apache Office ships with a solver engine for linear programming only. This allows the optimization of models to a certain degree. However, if the formulas or constraints become more complex, nonlinear programming is required. That missing gap

MAOS-TSP: Project Portal

MAOS-TSP: Project Portal

MAOS-TSP [1] is a multiagent optimization system (MAOS) for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The source code can be downloaded here. Related Information: Please find other related code and software in our Source Code Library. Basic Description What’s New

MAOS-FSP: Project Portal

MAOS-FSP: Project Portal

MAOS-FSP is a cooperative group optimization system (MAOS) for solving the Flowshop Scheduling Problem (FSP). Related Information: Please find other related code and software in our Source Code Library. Basic Description What’s New Directories & Files Command Line & Parameters

MAOS-QKP: Project Portal

MAOS-QKP: Project Portal

MAOS-QKP is a cooperative group optimization system (MAOS) for solving the Quadratic Knapsack Problem (QKP). Related Information: MAOS-QKP shares the MAOS kernel with other MAOS applications (e.g. MAOS-GCP and MAOS-TSP), and contains some modules that are specifically for tacking QKP.

MAOS-QAP: Project Portal

MAOS-QAP: Project Portal

MAOS-QAP is a cooperative group optimization system (MAOS) for solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). Related Information: MAOS-QAP shares the MAOS kernel with other MAOS applications (e.g. MAOS-GCP and MAOS-TSP), and contains some modules that are specifically for tacking QAP.