Our work on a smart IoT prototype for road safety appears on Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.

  • “SIV-DSS: Smart in-vehicle decision support system for driving at signalized intersections with V2I communication,” Transportation Research Part C, vol. 90, 2018. [PDF] [DOI] [Bibtex]
    Title = {{SIV-DSS}: Smart in-vehicle decision support system for driving at signalized intersections with {V2I} communication},
    Author = {Xiao-Feng Xie and Zun-Jing Wang},
    Journal = {Transportation Research Part C},
    Volume = {90},
    Pages = {181--197},
    Doi = {10.1016/j.trc.2018.03.008},
    Year = {2018}

We present a Smart In-Vehicle Decision Support System (SIV-DSS) to help making better stop/go decisions as a vehicle is approaching a signalized intersection. Supported by the Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications, the system integrates and utilizes the information from both vehicle and intersection. The effective decision support models of SIV-DSS are realized with the probabilistic sequential decision making process (PS-DMP) with the capability of combining a variety of advantages gained from a set of decision rules, where each decision rule is responsible to specific situations for making right decisions even without complete information. The decision rules are either extracted from the existing parametric models of the indecision zone problem, or designed as novel ones based on physical models utilizing the integrated information containing the key inputs from vehicle motion, vehicle-driver characteristics, intersection geometry and topology, signal phase and timings, and the definitions of red-light running (RLR). In SIV-DSS, the generality is reached through physical models utilizing a large number of accurate physical parameters, and the heterogeneity is treated by including a few behavioral parameters in driver characteristics. The performance of SIV-DSS is evaluated with systematic simulation experiments. The results show that the system can not only ensure traffic safety by greatly reducing the RLR probability, but also improve mobility by significantly reducing unnecessary stops at the intersection. Finally, we briefly discuss some relevant aspects and implications for SIV-DSS in practical implementations.

Work on a smart IoT prototype for road safety appears on Transportation Research Part C
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